
Meet David
1. Why did you join New Wave?
I joined New Wave because it helps people have the same rights and choices as anyone else in the community.
When I was born in the year 1969, in those days, people with disabilities, their mom and dad and their brothers and sisters and their carers won’t let them go out of their homes by themselves or do things on their own and get things done on their own, and buy things on their own like people without disabilties can do.
If they’re a member of New Wave self advocacy they can do that on their own and if there is a problem with any bad people yelling at them or hurting them then they can speak up about that if they have a problem like that.
2. When did you join New Wave?
I’m a 53 years old now and I joined New Wave when I was 45 (2014)
3. What do you like to do?
In my free time I like to travel on a bus or a train to Traralgon and see shops and places or see people that I know or go into Moe and Warragul and do the same, thats what I like to do in my free time.
4. What is something important to you?
I own my own unit and my Mom bought a house in Newborough and rented it to someone and saved up money to buy me my house in Morwell and now I own my own home and I can go out wherever I like and stay over wherever I like and that’s what’s special about me.
5. What is something you’d llike other people to know?
I listen to ABC radio stations, ABC National and ABC Victoria or ABC Melbourne and ABC radio stations have ABC radio programs, where they talk about and solve problems.