If you’re trying to adapt to the seismic shifts in your industry or trying to adopt a longer-term approach, changing your company’s future orientation can have significant advantages. Research has shown that companies that have a strong outlook on the future are more productive and innovative. To be more forward-looking, you can help your employees and management to create new strategies and processes that assist the company in planning for the future.

The development of future-oriented innovation requires a dialogic method to assess business opportunities and potential barriers. This can be accomplished using a framework of futures literacy which includes knowledge of futures and awareness as well as futures capabilities. Futures literacy refers to the ability of an individual or a company to identify, construct and articulate futures and is based on an understanding that the creation and articulation of futures is a multidisciplinary endeavor that involves a variety of domains, spheres, and stakeholders. Futures awareness is the ability to recognize future possibilities. It is based on how they see the world. of the world.

Future-oriented innovation can be achieved through creating products and services that improve people’s lives. These improvements are the result of a partnership between numerous high tech process participants and require a complex analysis of the present issues and options. This type of innovation requires a radical epistemic view and the ability to hear suggestions from the future.
