What we do
New Wave is run by and for its members.
Members are people with an intellectual disability or acquired brain injury.
We work together to make sure we have the same rights, choices and opportunities as anyone else in the community.
All New Wave groups have a meeting every 2 weeks.
Some of the things New Wave does is:
- Learn self advocacy skills
- Talk about our rights
- Support each other with problems
- Raise awareness of disability rights
- Speak up about what we want and need in our communities
- Have guest speakers visit our meetings
- Go to self advocacy and disability rights events together
- Have fun

Since becoming a Self Advocate I have the knowledge and confidence to make my own decisions.

At New Wave we believe in empowerment, equality and we love having FUN.
New Wave Morwell group was made
New Wave Bass Coast group was made
New Wave Leongatha group was made
New Wave Rainbow Pride Self Advocacy group was made